If you are a worker in the state of California, it is important to know more about the laws that you are protected by. While you are protected by many federal laws, there are others that are specific to California. These laws include the Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) that specifically protects people in California from discrimination in working environments.

The FEHA is a very important piece of legislation for taking action against discrimination. Therefore, if you believe that you have been discriminated against in the state of California, it is important that you learn more about taking action and what rights you have to do so.

What type of behavior does the FEHA protect me from?

When a company consists of five or more employees, they have the legal duty to abide by FEHA. This means that they cannot discriminate against employees or job applicants based upon their sex, gender, disability, nationality, sexual orientation or race, among other things.

In addition, these employers must allow their employees to take up to four months leave when they experience a disability of some kind, under the California Family Rights Act (CFRA). This “disability” leave is a very broad term for illness, disease, pregnancy and the aftermath of childbirth.

Companies that employe 50 or more people must also provide training for managers on issues such as sexual harassment.

If you want to take action after experiencing discriminatory or harassing behavior in your California workplace, it is important to equip yourself with knowledge about the law, so that you can take effective action.